Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thought you all would like to see my "new lowrider" !!! Those little f 'n peckerheads.....must have thought i was from west virginia and wanted a yard ornament!


joedeb said...

I'm so sorry! Come home. We miss you and that never happens here. Ha ha ha. Does your insurance cover that. Did you have to rent a car? Love you and worry about you, Aunt Deb

joedeb said...

Happy Valentine's Day Love! I miss you so very much. I love your pics and your friend from san diego is really cute. How is that going? Your Mom told me you are going to Arizona. Wow! I'm so glad that you have made so many friends but I am not surprised. You are very specail. How are the kids? Probably really busy with school. It is very cold where they both are and here as well. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Well love I want you to be happy always.
Love You , Aunt Deb