Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here are a few more pictures from the summit of Mt. Bierstadt. The one is a geological survey marker at the very top....the other that is pvc pipe had in it paper wrapped in plastic along with a pen so everyone who gets to the top can sign....there were people from hawaii there when i was i wasn't the only one from sea level....the observatory is on the other mountain, Mt. Evans....side note if you look at my previous post of the picture that is below me of Mt. Evans you can barely see the observatory at the top....I love my new camera....i just zoomed in and was able to get a pretty good picture of the observatory and its outbuildings.....the lake is from the trailhead of Mt. Bierstadt......there were a lot of elk tracks around it but no elk this time..Oh well.......And the picture of the stone piling is a marker used to mark the trail among the stones....especially beneficial when its hiked in the winter....BRRRRRRRR!!!!!

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